Sunday, January 22, 2012

AFC/NFC Championship - Appeteasers#2 - Brussels Sprout Chips

(For some reason I didn't realize they're brusselS sprouts versus brussel sprout. Dang, you learn something new every day)

One of my favorite restaurants in San Francisco is Marlowe. They make Michael Bauer's favorite burger in the City as well as the most amazing fries. They have different lunch and dinner menus and Z & I went twice in 2 weeks to check them both out. The fried chicken sandwich was AMA-zing and perfectly cooked. Mouth water.

They also have playful, simple items on the menu that you wouldn't necessarily peg as high end. One of the most addicting are their brussels sprout chips and I've been wanting to try my hand at making them since it seemed so easy. I make bad assumptions all the time but this one turned out to be true.

The key (and most time consuming thing... which really doesn't take that long) is separating the brussel sprout leaves. You have to trim the stem so that you can easily peel the leaves from the bulb; then continue trimming and peeling until you can get to the innard. Use your best judgement on how far you want to go; they all end up tasting delicious.

Brussel Sprout Chips (inspired by Marlowe restaurant)
1lb. brussel sprouts (~10 brussel sprouts)
canola oil (about 1.5-2 in. deep in a pot)
black pepper
squirt of lemon

1. Heat oil on medium to medium high heat. Temp should be between 325 and 350.

2. Trim brussel sprouts as described above

3. Fry leaves in oil. NOTE!! The oil is very hot! I dumped the leaves in and immediately covered the pot until the scary popping sounds ended (~10 seconds). Also, I used a cast iron pot with high sides.

4. Let them fry for about 2-3 minutes until they start to brown. It's ok if they are a mix of brown and green. They will continue to darken once you take them out; but they should definitely be brown when you take them out, it ensures crispiness.

5. Using a fine mesh strainer scoop, take the leaves out and drain on a paper towel

6. Place in a bowl and toss with salt, pepper and a squirt of fresh lemon juice. Adjust to your taste.

Not bad for a first time effort. I underestimated the amount of leaves I could get from each sprout, I think I would go for 2 lbs next time. BE VERY CAREFUL WITH HOT OIL!! I definitely got some burns the first round. But seriously easy and super delicious; Z greatly approved.

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